Sea Level Consulting, LLC

SLC Team

Sea Level Consulting Team and Associates

Sea Level maintains professional ties with a diverse group of cohorts from throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, allowing us to draw upon a variety of expertise, skill, and competence.  This team has been vetted to work with the challenging terrain and harsh climate that accompanies the wonderous and mountainous temperate rainforests and maritime environment of Southeast Alaska.  Our team of colleagues are accomplished and present work at an outstanding caliber.  Meet SLC’s main crew.

Anne Elise Pollnow
  • M.A. Humanities/Cultural Resource Management student, Adams State University
  • B.A. Anthropology/Archaeology, Washington State University - Minor: Business Administration, Field School with Dr. W. Andrefsky, WSU
  • Postgraduate Certificate: Archaeology and Heritage with Merit, University of Leicester

Anne's work includes the archaeological investigations and research of cultural sites as early as 9000 years ago, documenting historic gold rush era mining districts, World War II historic survey, and anthropological investigations. Prior to her 25 years in Alaska, Anne lived and worked in Washington State studying and practicing archaeology in Washington and Oregon. Anne's education and work experience with various agencies and private entities have built a credible knowledge base and great appreciation for Pacific Northwest Coast Archaeology.


Cara Monroe
  • Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • M.A. Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • B.A. Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Cara is currently a Research Scientist at the University of Oklahoma, and has over 20 years of experience working in North American archaeology and ancient genetics, with an emphasis on tribal engagement. Her research utilizes archaeology ancient DNA/genomics to investigate prehistoric hunter-gatherer/forager interaction, emergence of sociopolitical complexity and biocultural responses to climate change throughout western North America. Additional research focuses on forensic DNA methodologies and Native American engagement and collaboration in archaeology and ancient DNA. Her consulting work spans the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.


Shawn Watson
  • M.A. (Current) Critical GIS & Public Anthropology, Eastern Washington University
  • B.A. Anthropology/Archaeology Eastern Washington University

Shawn has extensive archaeological monitoring experience in both archaeological and construction environments in the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Alaska, Phase I and Phase II, and training in Archaeological methodology, site procedures. He is highly proficient in soils with eight years of soils testing and construction experience in the field of geotechnical engineering and materials testing as a field inspector on sites. His Masters research focuses on CRM and remote sensing applications.